Executive Summary of the RERIPA event
The objectives of the October 2023 event were:
• Present the respective achievements state of the projects selected from Call 1 and Call 2, and their common action for a consolidated network of stakeholders with a shared vision and strategy of R&I in the Pacific.
• Present the first steps of the projects selected from Call 3 Living Labs and Call 4.
• Bring together all RERIPA project leads and consortium partners from Calls 1 – 4 in order to coordinate complementary activities, to align with the expected outputs / objectives, and to inform on project management requirements.
The week-long RERIPA Event was held from 23-27 October, 2023. The Event endeavored to bring representatives from the four RERIPA Third Party Projects in response to the 4 RERIPA Calls together and this was achieved in two-fold; a two-day technical workshop held at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji and a two-day main event at the Pearl Resort in Pacific Harbour, Fiji.
Participants and presenters at the event were representatives from the eight selected projects from the RERIPA Calls, the Institute of Research for Development (IRD), the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF), the Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific, the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the RERIPA External Advisory Board.
The technical workshop comprised presentations and interactive sessions between the facilitators and participants related to project engineering and project management. The main event was comprised of presentations and break-out sessions. In addition to the presentations from the eight different RERIPA Third Party Projects (TPPs) projects in response to the 4 Calls, there were also presentations from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat on the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the challenges that will result from the expected impacts of climate change in the Pacific, and from UNU-MERIT, the UN’s institute for comprehensive innovation.
The program details can be found in Appendice 1.
General view of the October event
The technical workshop was held on 23 and 24 October in Suva at the University of the South Pacific’s Statham Campus. The primary goal was to enhance the knowledge, understanding and capabilities of RERIPA project partners in project engineering and financial management and reporting.
The 1st day sessions were interactive. In separate groups, participants were asked to answer a series of RERIPA-related questions centered around project engineering, with a brainstorming exercise to define various project management related terminologies without consulting the internet or other resources. A work session was provided on “Project Engineering” by Gérard Denouden (OACPS).
The 2nd day, 2 sessions aimed to train participants to RERIPA-Financial management and Reporting considering IRD specifications by Yolande Dahot, and on Risk management considering EU rules by Gérard Denouden.
Technical Workshop of different sessions. Credit CMT
The RERIPA Event was held on 25 and 26 October at The Pearl Resort in Pacific Harbour. The main objectives of this two-day event were to:
- present the respective achievements state of the projects selected from Call 1 and Call 2 (Third Party Projects TPP 1 and TPP 2,). TPP1 – Mapping and diagnosis of R&I ecosystems, networking facilitation, R&I general vision/strategy with a particular focus on climate change i.e. to map out the current state of the R&I ecosystem and identify the various stakeholders across the region that are involved. TPP2 –Consolidating a network of stakeholders with a shared vision and strategy of R&I in the Pacific Region, i.e. provides the technical expertise and capacity support for training relevant R&I partners to address the key areas identified.
- present the first steps of the 5 Living Labs (TPP 3-1-5) “Living Labs for Innovative solutions to address CCI” in response to Call 3
- present the objectives of the TPP4 selected from Call 4– Contributing to Pacific education/ knowledge on Research and Innovation processes and tools, with a reference to Living Labs outputs against CCI Contributing with the Call 2 to the training of stakeholders on innovation (project engineering, open innovation, impact pathway, intellectual property, innovation brokering…)
- bring together all RERIPA project leads and consortium partners from TPP 1 – 4 to coordinate complementary activities, to align with the objectives and expected outputs objectives, and to inform on project management requirements.
Opening ceremony of the main RERIPA event, Pacific Harbour, 25 October 2023 Credit: CMT
Opening Remarks from main event
The chief guests at the main RERIPA Event held at The Pearl Resort in Pacific Harbour were i) Ms. Roxane Castelein, representing Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific, ii) Ms. France Bailly, representing the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and iii) Prof. Sushil Kumar representing the University of the South Pacific (USP).
Key messages from the opening remarks were that EU acknowledges the importance of RERIPA as a good opportunity for Pacific countries to reinforce their research and innovation frameworks and produce innovation locally to help prevent the effect of climate change, that IRD is pleased to coordinate the RERIPA project with its three partners PIDF, PIANGO and VMGD (Vanuatu), scientists having contributed for a long time to the knowledge on natural and human environment of the Pacific region and more recently to the understanding and anticipating of climate change phenomena and that, and finally that USP is uniquely positioned to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage and traditional knowledge of the Pacific Islands through research, given the vulnerability of the Pacific Islands to climate change and environmental issues.
General view of RERIPA
Presentation by Cécile Dupouy, IRD
The severity of the consequences of climate change on the living conditions of Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) has led country leaders to place priority on a well informed and coordinated response to the impacts of climate change.
The three regional-based consortium partners implementing the RERIPA project led by IRD is Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF), Pacific Islands Association for Non-governmental Organizations (PIANGO), and the Vanuatu Meteorology Geo-hazard Department (VMGD).
RERIPA focuses on 3 key topics; the issues of coastal vulnerability, ocean health and rising sea level. There are four calls under the RERIPA banner with the intention of creating a regional multi-stakeholder R&I ecosystem and R&I strategy with the shared vision of addressing climate change impacts through the development of useful innovation solutions. The focus of Call 1 is to diagnose the status of R&I in the Pacific by mapping R&I stakeholders in the region. The focus of Call 2 is to strengthen the R&I skills of small island countries in the Pacific. The focus of Call 3 is to design and develop innovative solutions in ‘living labs’ to address climate change issues. The focus of Call 4 is to strengthen a Pacific-based framework for education and knowledge based on the results from the living labs.
The project is implemented collaboratively by engaging with relevant stakeholders involved in the Pacific R&I ecosystem and includes academic institutions, civil society organizations, government bodies, startups, and spin offs. Appendix 3 lists the various stakeholders for the eight RERIPA projects.
Conference 1: Sustainable development, research & innovation in the Pacific – 2050 Strategy for the Blue Continent Presentation by Portia Dugu and Viliame Cativakalakeba, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
The Conference presented the overarching and long-term strategic policy framework for the Pacific and the strategic approach to work together to achieve the Pacific vision and how it guides all the member states, development partners, private sector entities, and civil society organisations. The vision of the 2050 strategy is for a resilient Pacific and this vision is supported with seven key thematic areas: political leadership and regionalism, people-centered development, peace and security, resources and economic development, climate change and disasters, ocean and environment, and finally, technology and connectivity. It is the Pacific collective approach to advance its shared objectives and address its common challenges. Each thematic area contains a number of strategic pathways which focus on governance; inclusion and equity; education, research and technology; resilience and wellbeing; and partnerships and cooperation.
Session 1: Update of activities from TPP 1 & TPP 2
General overview: update on progress, activities to-date & next achievements of the two RERIPA (Calls 1 &2) projects Mapping and Capacity Building.
Call 1 – Mapping and diagnosis of R&I ecosystems, networking facilitation, R&I general vision/strategy with a particular focus on climate change Presentation by Albert Whippy, Reshma Ram, and Sanita Baleinayawa, USP
Objective is to map out the current state of the R&I ecosystem and identify the various stakeholders across the region that are involved. This involves working with stakeholders, to identify the priority areas, to suggest the best strategies for strengthening R&I ecosystems and create a network across the region dedicated to these two main goals. The stakeholder mapping involved the PACE-NET Plus Directory and was completed with present stakeholders and projects related to innovation and CCI in a full matrix. Furthermore, a survey is conducted online using Google Form. The questionnaire consists of 22 questions divided into four general categories – introduction, climate change impacts in the Pacific, research and innovation, and syllabus and curricula. The results from the mapping will be useful in designing national research and innovation strategies in different Pacific Island countries. This ensures sustainability of this RERIPA output beyond the project end date.
Call 2 – Capacity building in innovation and valorization Presentation by Elisabeth Holland and Tamarisi Koroijiuta,USP
Objective is to consolidate a network of stakeholders with a shared vision and strategy of R&I in the Pacific Region. Call 2 provides the technical expertise and capacity support for training relevant R&I partners to address the key areas identified. While seminars for the living labs of Call 3 are yet to be delivered, training in project risk management and stakeholder engagements was conducted during a RERIPA workshop in April 2023, co-facilitated by Call 1 and Call 2. There will also be regional network curricula mapping for USP campuses and will include mapping of curricula or training materials produced by NGOs in collaboration with PIANGO.
Session 2: Presentations of the Living Labs (TPP 3 1-5) projects (Appendix 3 provides the composition of consortiums of each Living Lab.)
The Coral Reefs LL- Fiji Kiribati-Tuvalu (Climate change adaptation innovations for coral reefs in support of community-based conservation) Presentation by Austin Bowden-Kerby, Corals for Conservation (on behalf of USP-Fiji).
The Coastal erosion LL- Cook Islands (Innovative and sustainable solutions for managing coastal erosion) Presentation by Kelvin Passfield, Te Ipukarea Society, Cook Island
The SIPOC LL – Fiji -Tonga (Sustainable Infrastructure for Pacific Oceans Community). Presentation by Carl Probert, Sustainable Sea Transport Initiative (on behalf of USP-Tonga), Tonga
The CHANCES LL – Vanuatu Solomon Isl. (Climate change and the future of coastal communities: transformation of society, livelihoods and lifestyle in the South Pacific). Presentation by Shailin Mala, The University of the South Pacific, Vanuatu
The Decarbonized Energy production in Samoa LL-Samoa Presentation by Prof. Maurizio Cirrincione, The University of the South Pacific (on behalf of National University of Samoa), Samoa
Call 4 – Contributing to Pacific education / knowledge on Research and Innovation processes and tools, with a reference to Living Labs outputs against CCI. Presentation by Dr. Jimaima Lako, Fiji National University, Fiji
Contributing with the Call 2 to the training of stakeholders on innovation (project engineering, open innovation, impact pathway, intellectual property, innovation brokering…) with a focus on CCI, teaching educational content materials in different languages for different audiences (NGOs, citizens, policy makers…) are expected to be integrated into existing training programs of institutes of higher learning. This will include the results of Call 3 / LLs, which will be monitored and shared throughout the region to contribute to innovation capacities of stakeholders through adoption/diffusion of innovative solutions resulting from the LLs. This will contribute to the strengthening of a Pacific-based framework for education/knowledge and R&I on CCI and resilience.
Conference 2: “What challenges will result from the expected CCI; with a focus on Pacific Region”? Presentation by Prof. Mark Howden, Australia National University (ANU)
The conference gave key points from the IPCC brief on climate change impacts with a focus on Pacific region. Sea level rise will continue for millennia but how fast and how much depends on the future emissions. Unavoidable sea level rise will cause a cascade into risks to livelihoods, settlements, health, wellbeing, food and water security and cultural values. It is predicted that by 2050, extreme sea level events that occurred once per century will be 20 to 30 times more frequent. Adaptation responses are necessary to sea level rise and storm surge, freshwater stress on small islands, water security, infrastructure, critical energy, transport, marine system and fishery productivity. Key stakeholders, especially community leaders, should be included and empowered to help design and sustain adaptation. A focus on delivering short to medium term benefit should be considered in adaptation policy and planning processes especially at the household and community level.
Session 4 (Chairwoman RERIPA CMT Marilyn Tagicakibau) was an information exchange session for projects in response to Call1, 2, 3, 4. Discussion concerned the coordination of the complementary activities and modality of sharing of information captured from all projects, between Living Labs, and between Projects 1 & 2 and Living Labs. Enhancing Pacific education: lessons learnt from all calls to be sent to Project 4 and incorporated into their RERIPA-related curricula development.
Figure showing interrelations between the 8 RERIPA projects (Third Party Projects TPPs). Credit CMT
1- Call 1- Mapping and diagnosis of R&I ecosystems, networking facilitation, R&I general vision/strategy with a particular focus on climate change, 2- Call 2- Capacity building in innovation and valorization)
Call 3-Living labs : 3-Decarbonisation (The Decarbonized Energy production in Samoa), 4- Sea transportation (Sustainable Infrastructure for Pacific Oceans Community SIPOC) 5- Coral Reefs (Climate change adaptation innovations for coral reefs in support of community-based conservation), 6- CHANCES (Climate change and the future of coastal communities: transformation of society, livelihoods and lifestyle in the South Pacific), 7- Coastal Erosion (Innovative and sustainable solutions for managing coastal erosion), Call4: 8- Pacific Education Tools (Contributing to Pacific education / knowledge on Research and Innovation processes and tools)
Conference 3 : “What are the main roads which are followed in the world to stimulate CCI-related Innovation”? Presentation by Prof. Ludovico Alcorta, Member of the RERIPA Advisory Board
Session 5 : Strengthen R&I in the Pacific. Wrap up session
Minutes of all sessions can be requested to the CMT at contact@reripa.com
Acknowledgements: This report was made from minutes taken by the Mereia Tabua (RERIPA R&I Officer) and under the supervision of the RERIPA CMT. A full version of the report can be requested to the CMT.
Time | Session | |
Monday October 23, 2023 (Suva) – Technical workshop- Statham Campus, USP | ||
9:00 – 9:30 | Introduction | Dr Cécile Dupouy – IRD |
9:30 – 12:00 | Work session on “Project Engineering” | Gérard Denouden- OACPS |
13:00 – 16:00 | Training on Financial management and reporting | Yolande Dahot- IRD |
Tuesday October 24, 2023 (Suva) – Technical workshop- Statham Campus, USP | ||
9:00 – 9:30 | Recap of day 1 | Dr Cécile Dupouy – IRD |
9:30 – 12:00 | Work session on “Risk and sustainability management” | Gérard Denouden- OACPS |
13:00 – 16:00 | Training on Financial management and reporting | Yolande Dahot- IRD |
Wednesday October 25, 2023 (Pearl Resort, Pacific Harbor) – RERIPA event | ||
9:00 – 9:30 | Registration & Refreshments | Shayal Sharma & Peni Torowale |
9:30 – 10:30 | Launch of the RERIPA event | RERIPA CMT (Marilyn Tagicakibau) |
i) Opening prayers | ||
ii) Welcome & garlanding of chief guests | ||
iii) Vote of thanks – (VMGD) | ||
iv) Group photo | ||
10:30 – 10:45 | Morning Tea | |
10:40 – 11:15 | Introduction: General overview of RERIPA | RERIPA CMT (Dr Cécile Dupouy) |
11:15 – 11:45 | Conference 1: “Sustainable Development and Research & Innovation in the Pacific – 2050 strategy for the Blue Continent” | PIFS |
11:45 – 12:45 | Session 1: Presentations of RERIPA Calls 1 & 2 | RERIPA CMT (Roneel Kumar) |
General overview: update on progress, activities to-date & next achievements; NB: including the inputs from the Monday + Tuesday work session on project engineering & risk/sustainability management. | ||
30 mins Call 1 by Lead Applicant – Q&A discussion | ||
30 mins Call 2 by Lead Applicant – Q&A discussions | ||
12 :45 – 13:45 | Lunch | |
13:45 – 15:00 | Session 2: Presentations of RERIPA (Call 3) Living Labs | RERIPA CMT (Roneel Kumar) |
“Launching of the LL” / 20 mins per LL. Presentation of the 5 LL (Updated Road maps, frameworks and expected outputs) – Q&A discussion | ||
1. Coral reefs LL – Fiji (20 mins) | ||
2. Coastal protection LL – Cook Islands (20 mins) | ||
3. Sustainable sea transport LL – Tonga (20 mins) | ||
4. Food security & lifelihoods LL – Vanuatu (20 mins) | ||
5. Decarbonised energy production LL – Samoa (20 mins) | ||
15:00 – 15:20 | Session 3: Presentation of RERIPA Call 4 / 20 mins (Updated Road Maps, framework and expected outputs), Q&A discussion | RERIPA CMT (Roneel Kumar) |
15:20 – 15:50 | Closing Remarks | Prof Jean- Francois Marini |
16:00 – 17:00 | Welcome Cocktail | |
Thursday October 26, 2023 (Pearl Resort, Pacific Harbor) – RERIPA event | ||
9:00 – 9:30 | Registration & Refreshments | Shayal Sharma & Peni Torowale |
9:30 – 9:45 | Recap of day 1, Program for day 2 | Marilyn Tagicakibau & Mereia Tabua |
9:45 – 10:15 | Conference 2: “What challenges will result from the expected CCI; with a focus on Pacific Region”? | IPCC -Mark Howden |
10:15 – 10:30 | Morning Tea | |
10:30 – 12:30 | Session 4: Information exchange session for Call 1, 2, 3, 4 | RERIPA CMT (Marilyn Tagicakibau) |
What each Call is expecting from the other Calls/ what, each Call could bring to the others Calls | ||
Coordination of the complementary activities | ||
12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30 – 4:15 | Conference 3: “What are the main roads which are followed in the world to stimulate CCI-related Innovation” | UNU – MERIT Prof. Ludovico Alcorta |
14:15 – 15:45 | Session 5: Break out groups | RERIPA CMT (Marilyn Tagicakibau) |
Strengthen R&I in the Pacific? | ||
15:45 – 16:00 | General conclusions and perspectives & closing remarks. | Prof Jean- Francois Marini |
How to define and manage further steps? | ||
16:00 – 17:00 | Closing Cocktail |
Appendix 2: Composition of the consortiums of each RERIPA project. RERIPA EVENT 23-27 October 2023