Calls for projects
Call 2 : Capacity building in Innovation and valorisation
Project duration
Expected start: March 2022 – Expected end: 31 December 2024 (final report included).
GO: Strengthen capacities of stakeholders in innovation and valorisation
SO1: Train stakeholders (e.g., RERIPA’s partners, Living Labs, students, users) on project engineering, open innovation, impact pathway, intellectual property, innovation brokering, digital tools, participatory approaches, etc., to help structure Living Labs and R&I ecosystems.
SO2: Train innovation “users/beneficiaries” to foster the adoption/diffusion of innovations within the society
1. Capacity building in innovation and valorisation (Month 1 – Month 6):
- Training of trainers in the issues and appropriate skills in terms of R&I strategies and exploitation of research results (contracting process, IP, Project engineering)
- Preparation of teaching material/tools (along with the experts) for training sessions, workshops and publication on the website of RERIPA
- Seminars involving the partners of the Living Labs funded and open to the public, to share experiences, skills and solutions
2. Capacity building and structuration of the Living Labs.
- Preparing training materials, and training/mentoring Living Labs partners and other stakeholders on project engineering, open innovation, R&I brokering, impact pathway, Intellectual property, contracting, writing up project proposals, and the Living Lab/open innovation approach;
- Support for funded Living Labs, in their structuring & development, implementation of training and labelling/certification, business development.
- Training of users on the innovations to foster their broad appropriation/use
3. Products/results:
- Training materials and courses for stakeholders (project engineering, open innovation, impact pathway, intellectual property, innovation brokering)
- Tools to contribute to the design of LL
- A follow up of the structuration of the LL and of the transfer to the local authorities and other stakeholders, of LL innovative productions to address climate change issues in the region (with a positive social and economic impact)
Applicants (legal entities) from the following OACPS Pacific Countries are eligible to apply as Lead Applicant or Partners: Cook Islands, East Timor, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Academic and research institutions/organisations; spin-off companies; VET providers; organisations representing indigenous and local communities; agencies and associations working for gender equality in research and innovation; national science, technology and innovation agencies; non-governmental organisations; innovation support organisations (technology clusters, innovation labs and technology transfer offices); incubators and start-ups; and other similar organisations.
Consortium comprising at least 3 Applicants (including the Lead Applicant) established in the eligible countries listed above and from at least 2 different OACPS Pacific countries: at least 1 academic and research institution/organisation and at least 2 other co-applicants from 2 different types (among those types listed above)
Expertise in territory diagnosis, stakeholder mapping, knowledge of and able to analyse R&I ecosystems and to disseminate the results of the analysis + expertise/experience in the field of facilitation of multi-actor projects, networking, collective intelligence, etc.
To access all the administrative and financials rules and requirements, please read and follow the RERIPA Grants Operations Manual (Annex 4 of this document)
Proposals must be written in English and must use the following templates (Annexes attached to these Guidelines):
- Annex 1. Project proposal Template
- Annex 2. Project proposal Logical Framework
- Annex 3. Project proposal Budget Template
Proposals must be accompanied by supporting documents (as listed in these Guidelines):•
- Official letter of support from the head of the applying institution (Lead Applicant) and from each Co-applicant, stating the project title, the activities carried out by each Applicant, the funding requested by each Applicant, and the overall Project budget.
- Official documents certifying the creation, registration and status of the Lead Applicant and Coapplicants (among others, it should indicate the date of creation and address of the organisations).
- For the Lead Applicant, activity and financial reports, demonstrating experience and responsibility in the preparation and management of funded activities (evidence of having managed at least two grants for research and innovation projects, of at least €75,000 each between 2018 and 2021).
- CV of the Project coordinator (Lead Applicant) and evidence of his/her position in the Lead Organisation.
- CVs of the Co-applicants’ coordinators and evidence of his/her position in the Lead Organisation
Additional informations
RERIPA will launch 4 Calls for Proposal in Total.
A successful Applicant in this first Call for Proposals will be allowed to apply in other RERIPA Calls for Proposals (as Lead Applicant or Co-applicant) but the cumulative amount of the different grants it may receive will not exceed in any case 400,000 Euros (cf. RERIPA Grants Operations Manual).