Calls for projects
Call 3 : Living Labs for Innovative solutions to address Climate Change Impact in the Pacific
Project duration
Expected start: 9 December 2022 – Expected end: 30 November 2024.
Create Living Labs (LLs), i.e. multi-disciplinary regional public/private consortia able to address the Impact of Climate Change (CCI) in the Pacific Small Islands Developing States (SIDS),through innovative and sustainable user-centred solutions founded on research-based evidence, with a focus on:
- Coastal vulnerability
- Lagoon and ocean health
- Sea level rise
Depending on the proposed approach, Living Labs could contribute towards tackling the various impacts of climate change by researching topics such as:
- The stresses on coastal ecosystems and resources.
- The effects of increased temperatures and decreased pH and dissolved oxygen on lagoon and ocean health.
- The related increase of marine/coastal invasive species.
- The consequences on water resources (quantity, quality), soil salinization, etc.
- The Impacts on coastal infrastructures and mobility.
- The consequences on dwellings and related social impacts: access to resources, impacts on land availability / ownership, management of populations displacements / resettlements (at different scale local to regional).
- Mobilization / transformation of traditional/local knowledge in livelihood adaptation.
- Etc…
Elements for the implementation approach:
Traditional knowledge, the large panel of available scientific tools, and/or
technology transfer could contribute to LL building.
This could for example consist of:
• Developing/adapting new tools and observatory networks to survey social
impacts of CC (land use, population mobility, livelihoods systems, etc.).
• Developing/adapting new tools and sensor networks to survey environmental
impacts of CC (meteorology, ground water, sea level, water temperature, ocean
colour, acidification, decreased oxygen, chemical and algal pollutions, toxicity,
coastline change, etc.)
• Improving interfaces between environmental data and resources management
(decision/management tools, resource management tools).
• Manufacturing prototypes with different stages of maturity (from the proof-ofconcept to the operational solution);
• Develop tools/instruments for process monitoring and assessment of
• Etc…
Applicants (legal entities) from the following ACP Countries are eligible to apply as Lead Applicant or Co-Applicants: Cook Islands, East Timor, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu
Category 1. Academic and research institutions /organizations.
Category 2. Innovation support organizations (i.e., tech hubs, innovation labs and technology transfer offices); incubators and start-ups; university spin-offs; Vocational and Education Training providers; national science, technology, and innovation agencies.
Category 3. Organizations representing indigenous and local communities; agencies and associations working for gender equality in research and innovation; nongovernmental organizations.
Category 4. Other similar organizations with specific experience in the priority fields of this call.
Consortium comprising of at least 3 Applicants (including the Lead Applicant) established in the eligible countries listed above and from at least 2 eligible countries, with at least 1 Academic & research institution/organisation (Category 1), one from Category 2 and one from Category 3, from the list of eligible applicants above.
Max. 5 projects (multi-actor consortia) will be funded. The Lead Applicant should submit a proposal not exceeding 350,000 Euros.
- Launch: 19/09/2022;
- Final submission: 11/11/2022.
- Evaluation: 11/11/2022 – 02/12/2022,
- Publication of results: 19/12/2022,
- Contract Signature: 23/12/2022,
- Project Start: 26/12/2022,
- Project End: by 30/11/2024.
Interested parties are encouraged to send an expression of interest via email as soon as possible to “’. The EOI should have the following information: Project title, ACP Countries involved, Applicants/co-applicants, main topic, objectives, expected innovative results (see Annex 1).
For details of all administrative and financial processes and requirements, please read and follow the RERIPA Grants Operations Manual (Annex 5 of this document)
Proposals must be written in English and must use the following templates (Annexes attached to these Guidelines):
• Annex 2. Project proposal Template
• Annex 3. Project proposal Logical Framework
• Annex 4. Project proposal Budget Template
Proposals must be accompanied by supporting documents (as listed in these Guidelines):
- Official letter of support from the head of the applying institution (Lead Applicant) and from each Co-applicant, stating the project title, the activities carried out by each Applicant, the funding requested by each Applicant, and the overall Project budget.
- Official documents certifying the creation, registration and status of the Lead Applicant (at least since 2017) and Co-applicants (among others, it should indicate the date of creation and address of the organisations).
- For the Lead Applicant, activity and financial reports, demonstrating experience and responsibility in the preparation and management of funded activities (evidence of having managed at least two grants for research and innovation projects, of at least €75,000 each between 2017 and 2021).
- CV of the Project coordinator (Lead Applicant) and evidence of his/her position in the Lead Organisation. CVs of the Co-applicants’ coordinators and evidence of his/her position in the Lead Organisation
Additional informations
A successful Applicant (as Lead Applicant or Co-applicant) will not receive over 400,000 Euros as a cumulative amount of the different grants obtained from the 4 RERIPA calls.